It's up! Welcome 0.6

So here it is...

Bad news is, I didn't get the proper testing in, so there may be some issues I did not yet detect.
But my next weeks are going to be very busy and I won't be able to put a lot of time into this, expect an update with some fixes as soon as possible.

As for those problems I know of:

  • Performance in some parts of the new maps can suck a lot. This will get better... probably slightly uglier too as I remove dynamic lights.
  • Near the end of map 6 you must destroy part of the environment to advance (this will be clear when you get there)...- Do NOT destroy it with hitscan weapons (pistol, smg, shottie, skull, chaingun), destroy it with explosives instead. Otherwise, the weapon you used will be broken till the end of the level.

I'll update the main page with this last one as it's bad... and new screenies etc.
All feedback is welcome and needed.

Hope you enjoy it!

Files 3.6 GB
Version 3 Sep 03, 2022

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