New year news

Hi everyone!

This is just a small update. As it happens, I have gone back on the thought of making a new Early Access version of the game. 
The most likely scenario at this point is that the next version of the game will be the 1.0 and will come here at the same time it does on Steam (of course, for free).

This is due to some technical issues upon trying to get the game on the ports publisher's Git server. This caused a long stop in deveopment and at some point in the process a couple things broke that I won't be able to fix until development is a bit more complete.

Making an update now would indeed provide all the new enhancements I have been working on, but also add pretty damning issues which I consider too much for the update to happen.
Of course, if this changes you'll know, as a new version will appear here, but it does look unlikely.

Otherwise, I am hoping for a 1st semester release, whenever that may be, I'll be posting when a release date is set.
Other than that, I hope you all had a great start of the year.


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