First post, first update

First devlog so... hi everyone. :)

This is mostly a update of fixes and no new content is present. For now my focus is having the most stable possible version of this before I go after adding new content.
Some of that is already created, but in early alpha stages, so ETA for new content is probably minimum a month (in game development time so you know how that goes...). :D

Anyway, changelog below.

Darkenstein 3-D ver 0.4.5

- Game is now portable for easier installing and updates.
- Reduced the game's file size.
- Fixed a glitch whereby you could literally pump yourself out of the map.
- Better ragdolls for some enemies.
- Fixed kick damage that allowed to one hit some enemies.
- Kicking now pushes away all kind of enemies, not only skeletons.
- Added greande throw rotation and collision sounds.
- Fixed level 1's treasure count.
- Switched keybinds for 'kick' and 'throw grenade'.
- Improved box physics.
- Small cosmetic improvements.

Files 3.6 GB
Version 2 Jun 10, 2022


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cool idea. will this be a resemble of wolf 3d levels?

Hey there, thanks!

No, it is not a reproduction of W3D levels, the game starts more in that vein with smaller room-based level and opens up as it goes.

Working on outdoors maps towards the end.

oh cool. 

so a new story sweet.